Share these fun summer crafts with your kids ages 10-12. Many can be done alone, others with just minimal help from you!
Ages 10-12, the “tween” years, can be tricky! Kids this age want to be more independent and less childish. But they’re not quite ready for the independence that teens can handle.
Summertime is another challenge, since most camps are for younger kids. In our area, all the free library programming we enjoyed every summer is for elementary-aged kids as well.

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Art supplies for tweens
Older elementary-aged kids are tired of the same old crayons and markers they’ve always used. They’re looking for fun and innovative art supplies! Things like metallic markers and crayons are a step up from the traditional ones. A sketch book is a good place to keep doodles and notes. A quality set of watercolor pencils will last for many years.
All the projects on this list of summer crafts use typical household supplies, so consider having a space in your home to store a small amount for tweens to get creative. We use a rolling cart to keep ours organized. Stackable plastic boxes are also helpful.

More crafts kids can do by themselves
- 20+ Spring Crafts for Kids
- Seasonal Crafts for Kids
- Sunflower Crafts for Kids
- Indoor Activities for Kids on Rainy Days
Summer craft projects for tweens
If your tween is home this summer, introduce some of these fun craft projects! Most of these can be done by your 10-12 year old by themselves. A few may require a little assistance from you.
This is a great time for you to back off and let your tween try new things and succeed on their own. All of these make great projects for tweens to do with their friends as well!
Summer Crafts for Tweens
Big kids and tweens (ages 10-12) want to do crafts by themselves. These summer craffts are fun projects for them!
Balloon Craft - Reuse Balloons To Make Pretty Wall Art (Step by Step Video)
Make a Totally Radical 80's Friendship Pin Craft with Safety Pins
How to Make Sharpie Tie Dye Shirts - Easy Tie Dye Shirts for Kids
Tile Art for Kids That Everyone Will Enjoy - Best Tile Art Idea

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Join our email list, and we’ll send you a fabulous 2024 Calendar Coloring Page! You’ll also receive a monthly email with our coloring pages and paper crafts for big kids and tweens.
can you please do one for teens. Love this one!