If you’re looking for a new creative activity that you can do at home while looking after your dog, here’s a great idea. Work on these free printable dog coloring pages. You’ll be even more inspired with your awesome pet by your side!
Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason. They fill our lives with so much love and loyalty. For pet owners, there are lots of things to smile about each day.
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Dogs and coloring pages are your best friends when it comes to recreation and relaxation. Coloring can help you feel calm and carefree, most especially if you are doing it with your dog by your side. According to a study conducted in 2005, canine companionship triggers neural pathways similar to the parent-baby bond. Yes, pet ownership can improve our mental health!
Coloring is a therapeutic, calming, and exciting activity for both kids and adults. Explore the world of colors now and decorate pictures of dogs. These free dog coloring pages have simple designs, so adding your personal touch and decorations will surely be a breeze. You can either work on these in your room alone while listening to soothing music or with your dog, kids, or little siblings.
This set of 5 has different styles. Print one dog coloring page or print them all! The backgrounds are blank for easier printing. Feel free to add your own unique backgrounds.
Dogs are real-life champions and are the best companions in every adorable way possible. Our canine friends love us unconditionally and never hold a grudge. Not only that! According to the American Heart Association, they can even protect us from heart disease.
The world is full of dogs of all shapes, colors, and sizes. The total number of breeds in the entire world changes once in a while, but there are so many! The number depends on the recognized breeds of several organizations. The American Kennel Club, for instance, currently recognizes 195 dog breeds, with 79 more awaiting complete recognition.
Dogs are symbols of vigilance, loyalty, and friendship. They act as our guardians and protectors. Whether you have a tiny Chihuahua or a massive Rottweiler, your canine friend surely has a way to make you feel safe, protected, and loved. At the end of the day, breed doesn’t matter! All dogs are sweethearts!
Caring for dogs is a long-term commitment. They don’t just require food. There are regular walks, veterinary checkups, grooming, and unwavering love and attention. If you can’t dedicate the next 10 to 20 years of your life to pet parenthood, then it’s best not to get a dog for now. You can still be a pet parent or guardian, though. Reach out to your local shelter and foster a dog. Take care of her while she’s waiting for a forever home!
Just like humans, dogs feel a range of emotions. This means that many stuck in shelters feel depressed, confused, and traumatized, as if they were sentenced to jail without committing a crime. Some are even scared of other dogs! Let’s help them in every way we can. Fostering and volunteering do wonders!
To all the passionate dog lovers out there, these free dog coloring pages are for you. Taking on new creative hobbies is always a huge step, so get inspiration from the furry friend you love and cherish the most.
- colored pencils
- metallic colored pencils
- twistable colored pencils–you never need to sharpen them!
- fine tip markers
- watercolor brush pens
- dual tip markers have both fine and brush tips
- metallic fx crayons
When you download the Dog Coloring Pages file, it will save to your computer as a PDF. Then, you can print as many as you would like.
Use regular white printer paper when you print these coloring pages. You can print one of each of the 5 choices, or print several of your favorite pages!
All 5 of these cute dog pictures have black lines, nothing in color. But you still want to be sure and print in black & white so you don’t use up your color ink.
Download and print more animal coloring pages for kids: